CA Unemp Ins Code Section 1260


An individual disqualified under Section 1256, under a determination transmitted to him or her by the department, is ineligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits for the week in which the act that causes his or her disqualification occurs and continuing until he or she has, subsequent to the act that causes disqualification and his or her registration for work, performed service in bona fide employment for which remuneration is received equal to or in excess of five times his or her weekly benefit amount.


An individual disqualified under subdivision (b) of Section 1257, under a determination transmitted to him or her by the department, is ineligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits for not less than 2 nor more than 10 consecutive weeks beginning with:


The week in which the cause of his or her disqualification occurs, if he or she registers for work in that week.


The week subsequent to the occurrence of the cause of his or her disqualification in which he or she first registers for work, if he or she does not register for work in the week in which the cause of his or her disqualification occurs.


An individual disqualified under subdivision (a) of Section 1257, under a determination transmitted to him or her by the department, and who was not paid any benefit amount as a result of his or her false statement or representation, is ineligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits for two weeks commencing with the week in which the determination is mailed to or personally served upon him or her, or any subsequent week, for which he or she is first otherwise in all respects eligible for unemployment compensation benefits and for not more than 13 subsequent weeks for which he or she is otherwise in all respects eligible for unemployment compensation benefits. No disqualification under this subdivision shall be applied to any week if all or any portion of the week is beyond the three-year period next succeeding the date of the mailing or personal service of the determination. This subdivision shall not apply to an individual convicted under Section 2101.


An individual disqualified under subdivision (a) of Section 1257, under a determination transmitted to him or her by the department, and who was paid any benefit amount as a result of his or her false statement or representation, is ineligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits for five weeks commencing with the week in which the determination is mailed to or personally served upon him or her, or any subsequent week, for which he or she is first otherwise in all respects eligible for unemployment compensation benefits and for not more than 10 subsequent weeks for which he or she is otherwise in all respects eligible for unemployment compensation benefits. No disqualification under this subdivision shall be applied to any week if all or any portion of the week is beyond the three-year period next succeeding the date of the mailing or personal service of the determination. This subdivision shall not apply to an individual convicted under Section 2101.


Notwithstanding subdivision (c) or (d), an individual who is subject to a disqualification that is imposed under subdivision (b) of Section 1257 may, if he or she is otherwise in all respects eligible for unemployment compensation benefits, concurrently serve a disqualification imposed under subdivision (a) of Section 1257.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 1260’s source at