CA Unemp Ins Code Section 11024


The program model for implementation of the Caregiver Training Initiative shall consist of a solicitation and competitive selection process to identify proposals from regional collaborative programs that offer the best solutions to removing barriers for attracting and retaining qualified health care providers, such as certified nurse assistants, certified nurses, registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and other types of nursing and direct care staff.


Proposals for funding under the initiative submitted by regional collaborative programs shall address all of the following topics:


Marketing and outreach strategies that will attract eligible participants to begin careers in the health care provider industry and promote public awareness, especially among employers, to the opportunity to hire trained health care providers.


Collaboration and agreements with state and local agency partners to help identify, refer, and provide services to eligible participants.


Development and use of innovative training strategies, coupled with industry cooperation, to provide matching career paths that will enable participants to advance in the health care industry, including in nursing occupations such as certified nurse assistants, certified nurses, registered nurses, and licensed vocational nurses.


Strategies for providing incentives to health care employers to hire program participants, such as taking advantage of existing tax credits, and incentives for participants to remain in and graduate from the program, such as postemployment training and support components.


Leveraging additional resources to support activities that are not allowable with local welfare-to-work (Article 3.2 (commencing with Section 11320) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) funds and Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 2801, et seq.) funds and that will provide flexibility in serving participants.


The regional collaborative programs that compete for contracts under the initiative may include partnerships of any combination of local governmental entities, private nonprofit entities, and employer or employee groups. In order to ensure oversight for funds used in these contracts, fiscal agents representing these collaborative programs shall demonstrate all of the following:


The capacity to retain fiduciary responsibility for funds.


That the fiscal agent was chosen by agreement of collaborating partners.


Previous experience using public funds for similar projects.


The ability to properly account for and administer funds.

Source: Section 11024, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 11024’s source at