CA Unemp Ins Code Section 11004

The department shall do all of the following:


Determine the number and location of its offices within the state providing employment services to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing and shall decide which offices shall be served by contractors given the resources available under this chapter. The department shall give priority to offices where contracts are necessary in order to prevent or minimize the disruption or the discontinuance of employment services to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing which have been provided in conjunction with the department prior to July 1, 1984.


Coordinate the provision of employment services for individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing with the State Department of Social Services and the Department of Rehabilitation so that employment services provided by this chapter supplement or provide alternatives to services provided or funded by the departments.


Establish uniform accounting procedures and contracts for use with regard to this chapter.


Promulgate requests for proposals and conduct bidders’ conferences, and evaluate proposals according to the criteria established pursuant to Section 11003.


Utilize the definitions of deafness and significant hearing impairment which have been used or established by regulation by the State Department of Social Services.


Conduct a management or fiscal audit of any contract whenever it is necessary for proper supervision of that contract.


Annually consider incorporation of the services described in this chapter in the job service plan required by Section 8 of the federal Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. Sec. 49g).


Assist contractors in maintaining all of the following information:


The number of persons receiving services.


A description of the services provided.


The cost of the services provided.


The number of persons placed in jobs.


The number of persons assisted by followup activities.


The number and qualifications of staff providing the services.

Source: Section 11004, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 11004’s source at