CA Sts & High Code Section 8734

The clerk shall file the amended assessment as confirmed or modified by the legislative body with the auditor, who shall annually thereafter enter upon the assessment roll the installments becoming due on each component part of the original parcel opposite a description of the respective parcels so assessed. The amount charged for fees and costs as shown on the amended assessment as to each parcel shall be entered upon the assessment roll and shall be collected along with the first installment of the amended assessment. The street superintendent shall deposit all such costs and fees in the general fund of the treasury. When a city is conducting the proceedings and collections upon the assessments are made by county officials the city clerk shall transmit a copy of the amended assessment to the county auditor. The amended assessment shall be accompanied by an amended map or plat prepared pursuant to Section 8731. Such amended map or plat shall be designated “amended assessment diagram amending Assessment No. ____, Assessment District ____, State of California.” The amended map or plat shall substantially conform to the requirements and specifications provided for in Section 3114, and shall be filed by the clerk in the office of the county recorder. The county recorder may charge an appropriate fee for the expense incurred in filing the amended map or plat. The map or plat shall be cross-indexed by the recorder to the original assessment diagram which it amends. The amended map or plat shall include on its face that it amends the assessment diagram for (here insert name or number of assessment district or both name and number of assessment district, together with city or county or both city and county), State of California prior recorded at Book ____ of Maps of Assessment Districts at page ____, in the office of the County Recorder for the County of ____, State of California.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 8734’s source at