CA Sts & High Code Section 5898.28


A public agency may issue bonds pursuant to this chapter, the principal and interest for which would be repaid by voluntary contractual assessments. A public agency may advance its own funds to finance work to be repaid through voluntary contractual assessments, and may from time to time sell bonds to reimburse itself for those advances. A public agency may enter into a relationship with an underwriter or financial institution that would allow the sequential issuance of a series of bonds, each bond being issued as the need arose to finance work to be repaid through voluntary contractual assessments. The interest rate of each bond may be determined by an appropriate index, but shall be fixed at the time each bond is issued unless the bond is issued to finance improvements to nonresidential private property or residential private property with four or more units. Bond proceeds may be used to establish a reserve fund for debt service or paying the costs of foreclosure on properties participating in the program, to fund capitalized interest for a period up to two years from the date of issuance of the bonds, to fund the administrative fee required for participation in the PACE Reserve Program established pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 26050) of Division 16 of the Public Resources Code, and to pay for expenses incidental to the issuance and sale of the bonds. Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) shall apply to any bonds issued pursuant to this section, insofar as that division is not in conflict with this chapter.


(1)Notwithstanding any provision of this division or the Improvement Act of 1915 (Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500)), a public agency may transfer its right, title, and interest in and to any voluntary contractual assessments, if bonds have not been issued pursuant to subdivision (a). The public agency and the transferee shall enter into an agreement that, among other things, identifies the specific period of time during which the transfer of voluntary contractual assessments will be operative, not to exceed three years. Except as provided in paragraph (2), a transfer of any voluntary contractual assessments under this subdivision shall be treated as a true and absolute transfer of the asset so transferred for the period of the transfer and not as a pledge or grant of a security interest by the public agency for any borrowing. The characterization of the transfer of any of those assets as an absolute transfer by the public agency shall not be negated or adversely affected by the fact that only a portion of any voluntary contractual assessment is transferred, nor by any characterization of the transferee for purposes of accounting, taxation, or securities regulation, nor by any other factor whatsoever. As used in this section, “transfer” means sale, assignment, or other transfer.


Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to authorize the transferee to initiate and prosecute a foreclosure action resulting from a delinquency in the payment of the voluntary contractual assessment. Initiation and prosecution of a foreclosure action shall remain the responsibility of the public agency, which shall retain the sole right to enforce its senior lien status.


Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) shall apply to any bonds issued pursuant to this section, insofar as that division is not in conflict with this chapter. Notwithstanding Part 16 (commencing with Section 8880) of Division 10, if any reserve fund is established in whole or in part with legally available moneys of one or more public agencies other than bond proceeds, the public agency or agencies may provide that a property owner who prepays all or a portion of the assessment shall not be credited with the public agency moneys in the reserve fund and there shall be no reduction in the assessment pursuant to Sections 8884 or 8881, and the public agency moneys in the reserve account shall not be used to redeem bonds pursuant to Section 8885 and any public agency moneys remaining in the reserve fund at the maturity of the bonds shall be disbursed to the public agency free and clear of the lien of the issuing instrument. Any excess bond proceeds may be used to pay principal of and interest on the bonds in addition to any other use permitted by Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500).


Notwithstanding any other law, the public agency may conclude that it is in the public interest for bonds issued by the public agency pursuant to this chapter to not be subject to redemption prior to their scheduled maturity date except as a result of the prepayment in whole or in part of contractual assessments. Notwithstanding any other limitations set forth in law, and with respect to bonds issued to finance improvements to nonresidential property or residential property with four or more units, the redemption premium associated with a redemption of bonds as a result of a contractual assessment prepayment shall be determined by agreement of the public agency issuing the bonds, the property owner, and the initial purchaser of the bonds.


(1)Without the prior written approval of the property owner, and notwithstanding any other law, a public agency may issue bonds pursuant to this chapter to refinance outstanding bonds payable from contractual assessments levied pursuant to this chapter if all of the following are true:


The total interest cost to maturity on the refunding bonds is less than the total interest cost to maturity on the bonds to be refunded.


The final maturity date of the refunding bonds is not later than the final maturity date of the refunded bonds, except that if the bonds to be refunded are variable rate bonds, the final maturity date of the refunding bonds may extend to, but not beyond, the useful life of the financed improvements.


The total interest component of the scheduled contractual assessment installments to maturity, after issuance of the refunding bonds, is less than the total interest component of the scheduled contractual assessment installments to maturity prior to issuance of the refunding bonds.


For purposes of this section, in connection with the issuance of fixed rate bonds to refinance variable rate bonds, the interest rate on the refunded bonds for purpose of demonstrating compliance with this section may be assumed to be the maximum possible interest rate on the bonds to be refunded as long as the legislative body concludes that the public interest will be served by issuing fixed rate bonds to refinance the outstanding variable rate bonds. In connection with an issuance of refunding bonds under this chapter, the legislative body may direct that an amendment to the document required by subdivision (d) of Section 5898.24 be recorded to reflect the revised contractual assessment installment schedule.


With the prior written approval of the owner of nonresidential property or residential property with four or more units, and notwithstanding any other law, a public agency may issue bonds pursuant to this chapter to refinance outstanding bonds payable from contractual assessments levied pursuant to this chapter without complying with subdivision (e). The final maturity date of the refunding bonds issued pursuant to this subdivision may be later than the final maturity date of the bonds being refunded as long as the final maturity date of the refunding bonds does not extend beyond the useful life of the financed improvements.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 5898.28’s source at ca​.gov