CA Sts & High Code Section 31915


Notice of hearing shall be by publication, posting, and mailing of the resolution proposing to order the making of a substitution.


The resolution shall be published once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper published in the city. The first publication shall be not less than 30 days prior to the date fixed for the hearing of protests. In cities where no newspaper is published, copies of the resolution shall be posted in three public places in the district at least 30 days before the date of hearing.


Copies of the resolution headed “Notice of Parking District Substitution Proceedings” in letters at least one-half inch in height shall be posted upon all open streets within the proposed district. Notices shall be not more than 300 feet apart and shall be posted at least 30 days prior to the hearing.


A copy of the resolution shall be mailed, postage prepaid, by the clerk of the legislative body to each person to whom land in the district is assessed as shown on the last equalized county assessment roll, at his address as shown upon the roll, and to any person, whether owner in fee or having a lien upon, or legal or equitable interest in, any land within the district, whose name and address and a designation of the land in which he is interested is on file in the office of the clerk.

Source: Section 31915, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 31915’s source at