CA Sts & High Code Section 30913


In addition to any other authorized expenditure of toll bridge revenues, the following major projects may be funded from toll revenues:


Benicia-Martinez Bridge: Widening of the existing bridge.


Benicia-Martinez Bridge: Construction of an additional span parallel to the existing bridge.


Carquinez Bridge: Replacement of the existing western span.


Richmond-San Rafael Bridge: Major rehabilitation of the bridge, and development of a new easterly approach between the toll plaza and Route 80, near Pinole, known as the Richmond Parkway.


The toll increase approved in 1988, which authorized a uniform toll of one dollar ($1) for two-axle vehicles on the bridges and corresponding increases for multi-axle vehicles, resulted in the following toll increases for two-axle vehicles on the bridges: Bridge 1988 Increase(Two–axle vehicles) Antioch Bridge $0.50 Benicia-Martinez Bridge .60 Carquinez Bridge .60 Dumbarton Bridge .25 Richmond-San Rafael Bridge .00 San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge .25 San Mateo-Hayward Bridge .25 Portions of the 1988 toll increase were dedicated to transit purposes, and these amounts shall be calculated as up to 2 percent of the revenue generated each year by the collection on all bridges of the base toll at the level established by the 1988 toll increase. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission shall allocate two-thirds of these amounts for transportation projects, other than those specified in Sections 30912 and 30913 and in subdivision (a) of Section 30914, which are designed to reduce vehicular traffic congestion and improve bridge operations on any bridge, including, but not limited to, bicycle facilities and for the planning, construction, operation, and acquisition of rapid water transit systems. The commission shall allocate the remaining one-third solely for the planning, construction, operation, and acquisition of rapid water transit systems. The plans for the projects may also be funded by these moneys. Funds made available for rapid water transit systems pursuant to this subdivision shall be allocated to the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority beginning on the date specified in the adopted transition plan developed by the authority pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 66540.32 of the Government Code.


The department shall not include, in the plans for the new Benicia-Martinez Bridge, toll plazas, highways, or other facilities leading to or from the Benicia-Martinez Bridge, any construction that would result in the net loss of any wetland acreage.


With respect to the Benicia-Martinez and Carquinez Bridges, the department shall consider the potential for rail transit as part of the plans for the new structures specified in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision (a).


At the time the first of the new bridges specified in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision (a) is opened to the public, there shall be a lane for the exclusive use of pedestrians and bicycles available on at least, but not limited to, the original span at Benicia or Carquinez, or the additional or replacement spans planned for those bridges. The design of these bridges shall not preclude the subsequent addition of a lane for the exclusive use of pedestrians and bicycles.

Source: Section 30913, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 30913’s source at