CA Sts & High Code Section 30682

For the purpose of providing funds for all engineering, traffic, and financial studies and expenses in connection with the financing and the preparation of the necessary surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates of cost for the construction of the toll bridge, and for the purpose of providing such additional funds, over and above the amount which can be raised through the issuance of revenue bonds, as may be necessary in order to complete the financing of the toll bridge, the commission may, from time to time, direct the State Controller to transfer to the commission, for expenditure by the department, the following amounts:


From money in the State Highway Account required to be expended for the construction of state highways in the County of Los Angeles pursuant to former Section 188.4, as repealed by Chapter 1386 of the Statutes of 1963, a sum sufficient to complete the project over and above the amounts made available from the proceeds of revenue bonds and the amounts made available in subdivisions (b) and (c).


Not to exceed the total of two million dollars ($2,000,000) from money in the Highway Users Tax Account in the Transportation Tax Fund available for apportionment to the County of Los Angeles. Any amount so transferred shall be deemed to be in the Highway Users Tax Account for the purpose of making the apportionments from that account, but the amount payable to the County of Los Angeles from the Highway Users Tax Account shall be reduced by an amount equal to the transfers so made.


Not to exceed the total of two million dollars ($2,000,000) from money in the State Highway Account available for allocation and expenditure for city streets within the City of Los Angeles pursuant to Section 2107. Any amount so transferred shall be deemed to be in the State Highway Account for the purpose of making the allocations mentioned in Section 2107, but the amount expended from the State Highway Account for city streets within the City of Los Angeles shall be reduced by an amount equal to the transfers so made. Of the first nine million dollars ($9,000,000) required for the purpose of completing the project over and above the amount available from the sale of revenue bonds, the transfer shall be made from the above sources as follows: Five-ninths from the State Highway Account, two-ninths from the funds mentioned in subdivision (b) and two-ninths from the amounts mentioned in subdivision (c). Additional necessary amounts shall be transferred from the State Highway Account upon resolution of the commission. The transfers shall be paid out or disbursed solely for the studies and expenses above mentioned and the preparation of the necessary surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates of cost, and for the construction of the toll bridge and the acquisition of the necessary lands and easements therefor. Any amount of the transfers not so expended shall be returned to the particular portion of the account from which it was transferred and shall be apportioned or allocated from the account and expended as if the transfer had not been made.

Source: Section 30682, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 30682’s source at