CA Sts & High Code Section 30506

Any city, county, incorporated bridge and highway district, or joint highway district may, by proper resolution of its governing body, petition the commission requesting the commission to authorize the acquisition or construction of any toll bridge or other toll highway crossing across any waters, bays, arms of bays, rivers, or streams wholly within, or bordering upon, or wholly without the limits of any such political subdivision or public corporation. If the commission refuses to authorize the acquisition or construction of the proposed toll bridge or other toll highway crossing, or if the commission does not within three years from the receipt of the petition authorize the acquisition or construction of the toll bridge or other toll highway crossing, the city, county, bridge and highway district, or joint highway district, either singly or in conjunction with other cities, counties, bridge and highway districts, or joint highway districts, may acquire or construct the toll bridge or other toll highway crossing, subject to the limitations of Article 7 (commencing with Section 30350).

Source: Section 30506, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

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