CA Sts & High Code Section 2852

The notice of the hearing on the report shall be substantially in the following form (filling in blanks): Notice is hereby given that land owned by you or in which you are interested is proposed to be assessed for the proposed (here briefly state in general terms what is proposed to be done, such as paving X Street between A Street and B Street). The estimated cost of the ____ (acquisition or improvement) is $____; the assessed value of the real property within the district is $____; the estimated true value of parcels within the district is $____; the estimated total amount of assessments upon parcels to be assessed for acquisitions or improvements done or previously ordered is $____; the estimated amount of the proposed assessment upon your parcel for the proposed ____ (improvement or acquisition) is $____. The estimated amount of the proposed assessment is approximate only, is based upon the stated estimated cost, and is not to be deemed the actual amount which will be assessed. The amount of money to be contributed towards the project by the (City or County of ____) is the sum of $____. A hearing will be held in the (place of hearing) by (designation of body or officer) on the ____ day of ____, 19__, at the hour of ___ o’clock _m. at which time and place all protests and objections will be heard. The proceeding for the acquisition or improvement is proposed to be conducted under the (here by short title or otherwise designate act under which the project will be undertaken). A report on the proposed project is on file in the office of the clerk of the ____ (designate the legislative body) and is open to public inspection. Clerk of (name of legislative body)
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 2852’s source at