CA Sts & High Code Section 25493

The board of directors shall cause a report on the bond issue proposed under this chapter to be made and filed by the district engineer or some other competent person appointed for that purpose. The report shall contain:


A statement in general terms of what the proposed bond issue is to cover, together with the total amount of the same. The total amount shall not exceed the original charge made against the district for the items included, plus a reasonable interest thereon not to exceed 6 per cent per annum.


A description of the lands benefited by the items for which the bonds are proposed to be issued.


A description of the zones, if any, into which such district is to be divided, and a statement of the amounts (not exceeding the percentages of the total sum established for the several counties within the district under Section 25154 hereof) proposed to be made chargeable against each of such zones.


A description of the bonds to be issued for the total amount set forth in the report.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 25493’s source at