CA Rev & Tax Code Section 61

Except as otherwise provided in Section 62, change in ownership, as defined in Section 60, includes, but is not limited to:


The creation, renewal, sublease, assignment, or other transfer of the right to produce or extract oil, gas, or other minerals regardless of the period during which the right may be exercised. The balance of the property, other than the mineral rights, shall not be reappraised pursuant to this section.


The creation, renewal, extension, or assignment of a taxable possessory interest in tax exempt real property for any term. For purposes of this subdivision:


“Renewal” and “extension” do not include the granting of an option to renew or extend an existing agreement pursuant to which the term of possession of the existing agreement would, upon exercise of the option, be lengthened, whether the option is granted in the original agreement or subsequent thereto.


Any “renewal” or “extension” of a possessory interest during the reasonably anticipated term of possession used by the assessor to value that interest does not cause a change in ownership until the end of the reasonably anticipated term of possession used by the assessor to value that interest. At the end of the reasonably anticipated term of possession used by the assessor, a new base year value, based on a new reasonably anticipated term of possession, shall be established for the possessory interest.


“Assignment” of a possessory interest means the transfer of all rights held by a transferor in a possessory interest.


(1)(A)The creation of a leasehold interest in taxable real property for a term of 35 years or more (including renewal options).


The termination of a leasehold interest in taxable real property which had an original term of 35 years or more (including renewal options).


Any transfer of a leasehold interest having a remaining term of 35 years or more (including renewal options).


Any transfer of a lessor’s interest in taxable real property subject to a lease with a remaining term (including renewal options) of less than 35 years.


Only that portion of a property subject to that lease or transfer shall be considered to have undergone a change in ownership.


For the purpose of this subdivision, for 1979–80 and each year thereafter, it shall be conclusively presumed that all homes eligible for the homeowners’ exemption, other than manufactured homes located on rented or leased land and subject to taxation pursuant to Part 13 (commencing with Section 5800) and floating homes subject to taxation pursuant to Section 229, that are on leased land have a renewal option of at least 35 years on the lease of that land, whether or not in fact that renewal option exists in any contract or agreement.


(1)(A)A sublease of a taxable possessory interest in tax-exempt real property for a term, including renewal options, that exceeds half the length of the remaining term of the leasehold, including renewal options.


The termination of a sublease of a taxable possessory interest in tax-exempt property with an original term, including renewal options, that exceeds half the length of the remaining term of the leasehold, including renewal options.


Any transfer of a sublessee’s interest with a remaining term, including renewal options, that exceeds half of the remaining term of the leasehold.


Any transfer of a possessory interest in tax-exempt real property subject to a sublease with a remaining term, including renewal options, that does not exceed half the remaining term of the leasehold, including renewal options.


The creation, transfer, or termination of any joint tenancy interest, except as provided in subdivision (f) of Section 62, and in Section 63 and Section 65.


The creation, transfer, or termination of any tenancy-in-common interest, except as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 62 and in Section 63.


Any vesting of the right to possession or enjoyment of a remainder or reversionary interest that occurs upon the termination of a life estate or other similar precedent property interest, except as provided in subdivision (d) of Section 62 and in Section 63.


Any interests in real property that vest in persons other than the trustor (or, pursuant to Section 63, his or her spouse) when a revocable trust becomes irrevocable.


The transfer of stock of a cooperative housing corporation, vested with legal title to real property that conveys to the transferee the exclusive right to occupancy and possession of that property, or a portion thereof. A “cooperative housing corporation” is a real estate development in which membership in the corporation, by stock ownership, is coupled with the exclusive right to possess a portion of the real property.


The transfer of any interest in real property between a corporation, partnership, or other legal entity and a shareholder, partner, or any other person.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 61’s source at