CA Pub Util Code Section 842


Financing entities may issue rate reduction bonds upon approval by the commission in the pertinent financing orders. Rate reduction bonds shall be nonrecourse to the credit or any assets of the electrical corporation, other than the transition property as specified in the pertinent financing order.


Electrical corporations may sell and assign all or portions of their interest in transition property to an affiliate. Electrical corporations or their affiliates may sell or assign their interests to one or more financing entities that make that property the basis for issuance of rate reduction bonds to the extent approved in the pertinent financing orders. Electrical corporations, their affiliates, or financing entities may pledge transition property as collateral, directly or indirectly, for rate reduction bonds to the extent approved in the pertinent financing orders providing for a security interest in the transition property, in the manner as set forth in Section 843. In addition transition property may be sold or assigned by (1) the financing entity or a trustee for the holders of rate reduction bonds in connection with the exercise of remedies upon a default, or (2) any person acquiring the transition property after a sale or assignment pursuant to this subdivision.


To the extent that any interest in transition property is so sold or assigned, or is so pledged as collateral, the commission shall authorize the electrical corporation to contract with the financing entity that it will continue to operate its system to provide service to its customers, will collect amounts in respect of the fixed transition amounts for the benefit and account of the financing entity, and will account for and remit these amounts to or for the account of the financing entity. Contracting with the financing entity in accordance with that authorization shall not impair or negate the characterization of the sale, assignment, or pledge as an absolute transfer, a true sale, or security interest, as applicable.


Notwithstanding Section 1708 or any other provision of law, any requirement under this article or a financing order that the commission take action with respect to the subject matter of a financing order shall be binding upon the commission, as it may be constituted from time to time, and any successor agency exercising functions similar to the commission and the commission shall have no authority to rescind, alter, or amend that requirement in a financing order. The approval by the commission in a financing order of the issuance by an electrical corporation or a financing entity of rate reduction bonds shall include the approvals, if any, as may be required by Article 5 (commencing with Section 816) and Section 701.5. Nothing in Section 701.5 shall be construed to prohibit the issuance of rate reduction bonds upon the terms and conditions as may be approved by the commission in a financing order. Section 851 shall not be applicable to the transfer or pledge of transition property, the issuance of rate reduction bonds, or related transactions approved in a financing order.

Source: Section 842, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 842’s source at