CA Pub Util Code Section 3255


A person involved in the production of natural gas may buy, hold, and exercise all privileges of ownership of real or personal property as may be necessary or convenient for the conduct and operation of, or incidental to, transmission of natural gas. Without limiting the foregoing, a person involved in the production of natural gas may acquire a real property easement from a public utility for the purpose of accommodating the person’s gas plant, and the easement shall be deemed to be held for a public purpose by the person, provided that the commission finds that the use by the person is in the public interest.


Within 10 days of submitting an application to the commission for an order authorizing a public utility to transfer a real property easement to a person, the public utility shall provide written notification of the application and of the commission’s pending review of the application, to each owner of real property affected by the easement. Costs of notification required by this subdivision shall be paid by the person to whom the public utility proposes to transfer a real property easement.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 3255’s source at ca​.gov