CA Pub Util Code Section 308


The commission shall appoint an executive director, who shall hold office during its pleasure. The executive director shall be responsible for the commission’s executive and administrative duties and shall organize, coordinate, supervise, and direct the operations and affairs of the commission and expedite all matters within the commission’s jurisdiction.


The executive director shall keep a full and true record of all proceedings of the commission, issue all necessary process, writs, warrants, and notices, and perform such other duties as the president, or vote of the commission, prescribes. The president may authorize the executive director to dismiss complaints or applications when all parties are in agreement thereto, in accordance with rules that the commission may prescribe.


The commission may appoint assistant executive directors who may serve warrants and other process in any county or city and county of this state.

Source: Section 308, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 308’s source at