CA Pub Util Code Section 28767.8


The board may establish an office of independent police auditor, reporting directly to the board, to investigate complaints against district police personnel.


The appointed independent police auditor shall have the following powers and duties:


To investigate those complaints or allegations of on-duty misconduct and off-duty unlawful activity by district police personnel, within the independent police auditor’s purview as it is set by the board.


To reach independent findings as to the validity of each complaint.


To recommend appropriate disciplinary action against district police personnel for those complaints determined to be sustained.


The board shall organize, reorganize, and manage the office of the independent police auditor. Notwithstanding the authority granted the general manager in this part, the board may, by resolution, authorize a citizen review board to participate in recommending appropriate disciplinary action.


The independent police auditor shall prepare, in accordance with the rules of the office, reports of his or her activities as permitted by law.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 28767.8’s source at ca​.gov