CA Pub Util Code Section 21674

The commission has the following powers and duties, subject to the limitations upon its jurisdiction set forth in Section 21676:


To assist local agencies in ensuring compatible land uses in the vicinity of all new airports and in the vicinity of existing airports to the extent that the land in the vicinity of those airports is not already devoted to incompatible uses.


To coordinate planning at the state, regional, and local levels so as to provide for the orderly development of air transportation, while at the same time protecting the public health, safety, and welfare.


To prepare and adopt an airport land use compatibility plan pursuant to Section 21675.


To review the plans, regulations, and other actions of local agencies and airport operators pursuant to Section 21676.


The powers of the commission shall in no way be construed to give the commission jurisdiction over the operation of any airport.


In order to carry out its responsibilities, the commission may adopt rules and regulations consistent with this article.

Source: Section 21674, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 21674’s source at