A majority of the member agencies constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In order to act on any item, except consent items which only require the vote specified in paragraph (1), the following voting formula in both paragraphs (1) and (2) shall apply:(1)
A majority vote of the members present on the basis of one vote per agency.(2)
A majority of the weighted vote of the member agencies present.(b)
The governing body of the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego, as appropriate, shall determine how to allocate their single agency votes and weighted votes between their primary and secondary members.(c)
For the weighted vote, there shall be a total of 100 votes, except additional votes shall be allowed pursuant to subdivision (f). Each representative shall have that number of votes determined by the following apportionment formula, provided that each agency shall have at least one vote, no agency shall have more than 40 votes, and there shall be no fractional votes:(1)
If any agency has 40 percent or more of the total population of the San Diego County region, allocate 40 votes to that agency and follow paragraph (2), if not, follow paragraph (3).(2)
Total the population of the remaining agencies determined in paragraph (1) and compute the percentage of this total that each agency has.(A)
Multiply each percentage derived above by 60 to determine fractional shares.(B)
Boost fractions that are less than one, to one and add the whole numbers.(C)
If the answer to subparagraph (B) is 60, drop all fractions and the whole numbers are the votes for each agency.(D)
If the answer to subparagraph (B) is less than 60, the remaining vote(s) is allocated one each to that agency(s) having the highest fraction(s) excepting those whose vote was increased to one in subparagraph (B) above.(E)
If the answer to subparagraph (B) is more than 60, the excess vote(s) is taken one each from the agency(s) with the lowest fraction(s). In no case shall a vote be reduced to less than one.(3)
Total the population determined in paragraph (1) and compute the percentage of this total that each agency has.(A)
Boost fractions that are less than one, to one and add the whole numbers.(B)
If the answer to subparagraph (A) is 100, drop all fractions and the whole numbers are the votes for each agency.(C)
If the answer to subparagraph (A) is less than 100, the remaining vote(s) is allocated one each to that agency(s) having the highest fraction(s) excepting those whose vote was increased to one in subparagraph (A) above.(D)
If the answer to subparagraph (A) is more than 100, the excess vote(s) is taken one each from that agency(s) with the lowest fraction(s). In no case shall a vote be reduced to less than one.(d)
When a weighted vote is taken on any item that requires more than a majority vote of the board, it shall also require the supermajority percentage of the weighted vote.(e)
The weighted vote shall be recomputed in the above manner every July 1.(f)
Any other newly incorporated city shall receive one vote under the single vote procedure and one vote under the weighted vote procedure specified above until the next recomputation of the weighted vote, at which time the new agency shall receive votes in accordance with the formula specified in subdivision (b). Until this recomputation, the total weighted vote may exceed 100.
Section 132351.2, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PUC§ionNum=132351.2.