CA Pub Util Code Section 103100

The government of the district shall be vested in a board of directors, which shall consist of nine members, selected as follows:


Three members, two of whom shall, at the time of their appointments and during their service as directors, be members of the board of supervisors and one of whom shall possess expertise in the field of transportation, appointed by the board of supervisors.


Three members, all of whom shall be city council members at the time of their appointments and during their service as directors, appointed by the city selection committee created pursuant to Article 11 (commencing with Section 50270), Chapter 1, Part 1, Division 1, Title 5 of the Government Code.


Three members, one of whom shall be a resident of the coastal zone as defined in Section 27100 of the Public Resources Code, at the time of their appointments and during their service as directors, appointed by the six members appointed pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (b).
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 103100’s source at ca​.gov