The geodetic control stations within the State of California having orthometric heights determined by differential leveling survey methods and conforming to all of the following requirements shall be part of the CSRN. The orthometric heights shall:
Be referenced to NAVD88.
Be published by NGS or CSRC.
Have a NGS or CSRC published accuracy of third order, class II or better as defined by FGCS.
The legislature occasionally skips outline levels.
For example:
(3) A person may apply [...]
(4)(a) A person petitioning for relief [...]
In this example, (3), (4),
and (4)(a) are all outline levels, but
(4) was
omitted by its authors. It's only implied. This presents an
interesting challenge when laying out the text. We've
decided to display a blank section with this note, in order
to aide readability.