Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in this section govern the construction of this division.
“Commission” means the State Lands Commission.
“Fund” means the Land Bank Fund created pursuant to Section 8610.
“Trustee” means the State Lands Commission acting in its role as trustee for the Land Bank Fund.
“Title settlements” means exchanges pursuant to Sections 6307 and 6307.1 and any agreements between the commission and others as a part of, or in lieu of, litigation in compromise settlements of public trust title questions, including real property exchanges, boundary determinations, or other means leading to a resolution of those questions and the necessary conveyances or other documentation provided by the agreements.
“Mitigation” means any measure to mitigate adverse environmental impacts that are lawfully imposed as a condition to the issuance of a permit or other authorization to undertake a project.
“Project” means, for purposes of mitigation only, any improvement to real property that adversely impacts existing or former wetlands.