To support the planning and development of sustainable communities, the council shall manage and award financial assistance to a city, county, special district, nonprofit organization, or entity formed pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of the Government Code, if at least one of the parties to the joint powers agreement qualifies as an eligible applicant, for the preparation, planning, and implementation of an urban greening project that provides multiple benefits, including, but not limited to, a decrease in air and water pollution, a reduction in the consumption of natural resources and energy, an increase in the reliability of local water supplies, or an increased adaptability to climate change. An eligible
project funded pursuant to this section shall not include a mitigation action that is required under existing law. The financial assistance provided pursuant to this section shall be funded from moneys made available pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 75065.
The council shall develop minimum requirements for funding eligible projects pursuant to this section, which shall require a project to meet at least one of the following criteria:
Use natural systems, or systems that mimic natural systems, to achieve the benefits identified in subdivision (a).
Create, enhance, or expand community green spaces.
The multiple benefits of a project, may include, but are not limited to, the establishment or enhancement of one or more of the
Tree canopy.
Urban forestry.
Local parks and open space.
Greening of existing public lands and structures, including schools.
Multi-objective stormwater projects, including construction of permeable surfaces and collection basins and barriers.
Urban streams, including restoration.
Community, demonstration, or outdoor education gardens and orchards.
Urban heat island mitigation and energy conservation efforts through landscaping and green roof projects.
Nonmotorized urban trails that provide safe routes for both recreation and travel between residences, workplaces, commercial centers, and schools.
The council shall give additional consideration to a funding project pursuant to this section that meets one or more of the following criteria:
The project uses interagency cooperation and integration.
The project uses existing public lands and facilitates use of public resources and investments including schools.
The project is proposed by an economically disadvantaged community.
Up to 25 percent of the moneys allocated pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section
75065 may be used to award revolving loans or grants to a city, county, special district, nonprofit organization, council of governments, metropolitan planning organization, or entity formed pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of the Government Code, if at least one of the parties to the joint powers agreement qualifies as an eligible applicant, for the purpose of creating urban greening plans that will serve as the master document guiding and coordinating greening projects in the applicant’s jurisdiction. These urban greening plans shall be consistent with the jurisdiction’s general plan or regional plan, where one exists.