All deposits of minerals, other than oil, gas, and geothermal resources in lands belonging to the state, which have been classified by the commission as lands containing commercially valuable mineral deposits and all deposits of such minerals within lands embraced within a prospecting permit and not subject to preferential lease to the permittee, may be leased by the commission in either of the following ways:
By competitive bidding to the highest qualified and responsible bidder. The bidding shall be on the basis of a cash bonus, royalty rate, net profit, or other single biddable factor, and shall be conducted under general regulations and in a form to be determined by the commission to be in the best interest of the state.
By a negotiated lease or other agreement, if the lands are determined by the commission to be unsuitable for competitive bidding for reasons such as small size, irregular configuration, lack of access, or if a negotiated lease is in the best interest of the state.
In addition to the payment of a royalty in money or in kind or a percentage of the net profits derived from mineral extraction operations provided therein, each bid and each lease shall also provide for an annual payment in advance of rent of not less than one dollar ($1) per acre or a greater sum as the commission may specify.