CA Pub Res Code Section 6890


Prospecting permits and leases for the extraction and removal of minerals, other than oil and gas or other hydrocarbon substances, from lands, including tide and submerged lands belonging to the state, may be issued as provided in this article and in this chapter insofar as not in conflict with this article. The commission shall not issue any permit or lease under this section until it has been submitted to the Attorney General and has been approved by the Attorney General as to compliance with the applicable law and rules and regulations of the commission. No lease or permit shall be issued which results in any net adverse impact to wetlands or riparian habitat.


Where lands, other than tide and submerged lands, belonging to the state have been dedicated to a public use, the commission may issue permits and leases for the exploration, extraction, and removal of minerals, other than oil and gas or other hydrocarbon substances and geothermal resources, in accordance with this article. Where the lands have been acquired for the use of a specific state agency, the state agency, prior to issuance, shall approve the work to be performed under the authority of the permit or lease and the state agency shall specify terms and conditions required to ensure that the work shall be performed in a manner which is not inconsistent with the purposes for which the land is owned or operated.


If the property is a wildlife management area acquired pursuant to Section 1525 of the Fish and Game Code, the commission shall not issue any permit or lease under this section unless the Department of Fish and Game determines, and reports in writing to the commission, that the proposed activity will not cause a net loss of wildlife habitat value or acreage in that area because privately owned land of greater total wildlife habitat value and acreage, which has habitat values similar in type to the area to be permitted or leased, will be acquired and dedicated to the state to replace the land of that wildlife management area. The replacement land shall be located within 10 miles of the wildlife management area where the lease or permit is to be issued.


The commission shall not issue a permit or lease under this section for any land under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation, for any refuge or other protected area, as described in Division 7 (commencing with Section 10500) of the Fish and Game Code, or for any ecological reserve, as described in Article 4 (commencing with Section 1580) of Chapter 5 of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code.


Notwithstanding Section 6217, as of June 30 of each year, a sum equal to 50 percent of the revenue received by the state for the fiscal year ending on June 30 pursuant to permits and leases for the development of minerals, other than oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances and geothermal resources, on lands which have been dedicated to a public use and are administered by a state agency other than the commission shall be available for appropriation by the Legislature for the support of, and apportionment and transfer by the Controller to, that state agency.


If the state agency receives a majority of its funding from a special fund established for the general support of the agency, the revenue made available by subdivision (e) shall be deposited in that fund and shall be available, when appropriated, for the general purposes of the agency.


Any person issued a permit or lease under subdivision (a) shall comply with all existing federal, state, and local government laws.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 6890’s source at ca​.gov