Should it appear to the commission that any person, association of persons, or corporation, has drilled, or is making preparation to drill, wells upon or into tide or submerged lands of which the State is the owner, or from which the State has the right to extract oil or gas or both, for the extraction of oil or gas therefrom, other than pursuant to authority granted in accordance with this chapter, whether or not such person, association of persons, or corporation may be acting under purported authority, the commission shall cause an action to be instituted in the name of and upon behalf of the State in a court of appropriate jurisdiction, to enjoin the occupancy and operations upon or in such lands and to demand compensation for injury and damage, if any, to such lands; except that, should the drilling operations be conducted upon or in lands which have been filled and if such operations have been commenced prior to March 24, 1938, the commission, if it appears to be in the interests of the State, may, upon behalf of the State, issue a lease to any such person, association of persons, or corporation in accordance with the provisions of this chapter insofar as applicable, and upon a royalty basis, retrospective and prospective, which appears reasonable and just in the circumstances to the lessee and the State.