For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:(1)
“Account” means the Lake Tahoe Science and Lake Improvement Account created pursuant to this section.(2)
“Compact” means the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact.(3)
“Resources agency” means the Natural Resources Agency.(4)
“Secretary” means the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency.(b)
The Lake Tahoe Science and Lake Improvement Account is hereby created in the General Fund. The moneys in the account may be expended by the agency, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the purposes of this section, with appropriate disclosure pursuant to subdivision (d). The secretary shall administer the account.(c)
Notwithstanding Section 6217, the funds in the account shall be expended as follows:(1)
The costs associated with establishing the bistate science-based advisory council established pursuant to subdivision (e).(2)
For near-shore environmental improvement program activities and projects that include, but are not limited to, all of the following:(A)
(i)Near-shore aquatic invasive species projects and projects to improve public access to sovereign land in Lake Tahoe, including planning and site improvement or reconstruction projects on public land, and land acquisitions from willing sellers, subject to clause (ii).(ii)
Near-shore aquatic invasive species projects and projects to improve public access to sovereign land in Lake Tahoe may be funded only if matching funds for this purpose are provided by the California Tahoe Conservancy or by another public entity. The conservancy shall coordinate the selection of projects to be funded through a collaborative process that includes the participation of other public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private landowners, including those persons or organizations that pay the rental income described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 6217.6.(B)
(i)Near-shore water quality monitoring, subject to clause (ii).(ii)
Near-shore water quality monitoring may be funded only if matching funds for this purpose are provided from the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board or by another public entity.(d)
The agency, or another agency designated by it, shall, on a publicly accessible Internet Web site, annually make available information regarding any activity funded pursuant to this section. The information shall include, at a minimum, all of the following:(1)
The name of the agency, or agencies, to which funding was allocated.(2)
A summary of the activities and projects funded by the account.(3)
The amount allocated for the activity.(4)
An anticipated timeline and total cost for completion of the activity.(e)
The secretary may enter into a memorandum of agreement with the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to establish and operate a bistate science-based advisory council in the Tahoe basin whose purpose is to promote and enhance the use of the best available scientific information on matters of interest to both states. The organization shall be nonregulatory, and shall focus on activities that will advance attainment of environmental thresholds, as provided in the compact. A majority of the governing body of that organization shall be comprised of scientists with expertise in disciplines pertinent to achieving and maintaining the goals of the compact.
Section 6217.6.1, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PRC§ionNum=6217.6.1.