The department shall use the state significance criteria in Section 5868 to evaluate the potential California natural landmark. The department shall evaluate the potential California natural landmark on a statewide and regional basis, and may compare similar areas that represent a particular type of feature located in the same natural region to identify examples that are among the most illustrative and have the most integrity.
The evaluation required by subdivision (a) shall be performed by the scientist chosen by the owner pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 5863. The scientist shall make a detailed description of the area, and assess its statewide and regional standing using the state significance criteria in Section 5868 and any additional information provided by the department.
At least three peer reviewers, who are scientists familiar with the biological or geological features of the area or natural region, shall review the evaluation completed pursuant to subdivision (b). The peer reviewers shall provide the department with information on the scientific merit and strength of supportive documentation in the evaluation.