CA Pub Res Code Section 48650


Except as provided in subdivisions (c) and (d), every oil manufacturer shall pay to the board, on or before the last day of the month following each quarter, an amount equal to six and one-half cents ($0.065) for every quart, or twenty-six cents ($0.26) for every gallon, of lubricating oil sold or transferred in the state, or imported into the state for use in the state in that quarter. For lubricating oil sold by weight, a weight to volume conversion factor of 7.5 pounds per gallon shall be used to determine the fee. Except as provided in subdivision (b), no payment is required for oil that meets any of the following:


Oil for which a payment has already been made to the board pursuant to this section.


Oil exported or sold for export from the state.


Oil sold for use in vessels operated in interstate or foreign commerce.


Oil imported into the state in the engine crankcase, transmission, gear box, or differential of an automobile, bus, truck, vessel, plane, train, or heavy equipment or machinery.


Bulk oil imported into, transferred in, or sold in the state to a motor carrier, as defined in Section 408 of the Vehicle Code, and used in a vehicle designated in subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 34500 of the Vehicle Code.


The oil otherwise subject to payment pursuant to this subdivision has a volume of five gallons or less.


If oil exempted from payment pursuant to subdivision (a) is subsequently sold or transferred for use, or is used, in this state, and the use does not qualify for exemption pursuant to subdivision (a), the entity that sells, transfers, or uses the oil for a purpose that is not exempt from payment, shall make the payment specified in subdivision (a).


Every manufacturer of finished lubricant containing at least 70 percent rerefined base lubricant shall pay to the board an amount equal to three cents ($0.03) for every quart or twelve cents ($0.12) for every gallon sold or transferred in the state or imported into the state, pursuant to the schedule established in subdivision (a).


Except as provided in subdivision (c), on and after January 1, 2014, every oil manufacturer shall pay to the board an amount equal to six cents ($0.06) for every quart or twenty-four cents ($0.24) for every gallon of lubricating oil sold or transferred in the state or imported into the state, pursuant to the schedule established in subdivision (a).
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 48650’s source at ca​.gov