CA Pub Res Code Section 4466


The department shall prepare two model plans for the initial development and implementation of a program for wildland resources management through prescribed burning and other methods, one of which is appropriate for an area of wildlands in northern California, and one, in southern California. All state agencies, including the Departments of Fish and Game and Conservation and the State Water Resources Control Board, shall cooperate with the department in the creation of the plans, to the end that administrative and environmental considerations are carefully and effectively considered and included in the program.


Upon completion of each plan, the director shall submit the plan to the board for its review and approval as to its conformity with the requirements set forth in Section 4467.


The department shall apply for funding from nonstate sources for the purpose of carrying out its planning responsibilities pursuant to this article. The department may not commence such planning until such funding is available in an amount sufficient to meet the costs of one model plan.


Neither plan may be implemented or used after January 1, 1983.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 4466’s source at ca​.gov