CA Pub Res Code Section 42926


In addition to the information provided to the department pursuant to Section 12167.1 of the Public Contract Code, each state agency shall submit an annual report to the department summarizing its progress in reducing solid waste as required by Section 42921. The annual report shall be due on or before May 1, 2012, and on or before May 1 in each subsequent year. The information in this report shall encompass the previous calendar year.


Each state agency’s annual report to the department shall, at a minimum, include all of the following:


Calculations of annual disposal reduction.


Information on the changes in waste generated or disposed of due to increases or decreases in employees, economics, or other factors.


A summary of progress made in implementing the integrated waste management plan.


The extent to which the state agency intends to utilize programs or facilities established by the local agency for the handling, diversion, and disposal of solid waste. If the state agency does not intend to utilize those established programs or facilities, the state agency shall identify sufficient disposal capacity for solid waste that is not source reduced, recycled, or composted.


Other information relevant to compliance with Section 42921.


The department shall use, but is not limited to the use of, the annual report in the determination of whether the agency’s integrated waste management plan needs to be revised.


For purposes of this section, the meaning of “state agency” does not include a district agricultural association, as defined in Section 3951 of the Food and Agricultural Code.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 42926’s source at ca​.gov