The Legislature finds that integrated waste management plans prepared and adopted by local agencies shall conform, to the maximum extent possible to the policies and goals established under Article 1 (commencing with Section 40000) and Article 2 (commencing with Section 40050) of Chapter 1 of Part 1.
The Legislature finds that decisions involving the establishment or expansion of solid waste facilities should be guided by an effective planning process, including meaningful public and private solid waste industry participation.
The Legislature declares that it is the policy of the state and the intent of the Legislature that each state, regional, and local agency concerned with the solid waste facility planning and siting process involve the public through public hearings and informative meetings and that, at those hearings and other public forums, the public be granted the opportunity to respond to clearly defined alternative objectives, policies, and actions.
The Legislature further declares that it is the policy of the state and the intent of the Legislature to foster and encourage private solid waste enterprises. In furtherance of that policy, it is the intent of the Legislature that each state, regional, and local agency concerned with the solid waste facility planning and siting process involve the private solid waste industry.