The conservancy may acquire, pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 33207.5 and the Property Acquisition Law (Part 11 (commencing with Section 15850) of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), real property or any interests therein, including development rights and easements for all the purposes specified in this division. For purposes of this section, the State Public Works Board may use the power of eminent domain. Notwithstanding other provisions of law, the Director of General Services, when so requested by the conservancy and when the conservancy finds it necessary to meet the provisions of this division, shall, without delay, lease, rent, sell, transfer, or exchange any land or interests therein acquired pursuant to this division. Any moneys received by the state, upon disposition of lands acquired pursuant to this division, shall be deposited in the fund and shall be available for the purposes of this division.
The Department of General Services and the conservancy shall jointly develop and implement appropriate procedures to insure that land acquisitions, options to purchase, land disposals, and other property transactions under this division are carried out efficiently, equitably, and with proper notice to the public.
The conservancy may coordinate with the Department of Parks and Recreation any acquisition with park and recreation development potential and may contract with the Department of Parks and Recreation as necessary in order to do so.
The conservancy may, by interagency agreement, cooperate with resource conservation districts in order to carry out the purposes and objectives of this division.