(1)The conservancy may undertake educational projects and programs for pupils in kindergarten to grade 12, inclusive, relating to the preservation, protection, enhancement, and maintenance of coastal resources, and may award grants to nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and public agencies for those purposes, subject to the limitations contained in subdivision (b).
An educational grant program established pursuant to paragraph (1) shall comply with all of the following:
Funds provided for the educational program may be used for planning and implementation or development of marine science education programs.
An educational program shall meet State Board of Education adopted content standards.
The conservancy may consult with the Superintendent of Public Instruction prior to awarding grants pursuant to this section.
A grant recipient shall use a portion of any funding provided for an educational program to promote maximum participation of pupils and schools, by providing scholarships or grants for this purpose.
A nonprofit organization shall comply with all of the following as a condition of receiving a grant:
Document increased pupil participation in its educational programs.
Provide outreach to low-income, underserved, and noncoastal areas.
(iii)Maintain any data necessary for evaluation, as determined by the conservancy.
The conservancy is not required to take any action under subdivision (a), unless and until new funds from sources not currently available to the conservancy are made available by the Legislature for the purposes described in subdivision (a). No more than 10 percent of the funds provided for the educational programs under subdivision (a) may be used for the costs of the conservancy in administering the projects. No General Fund money may be used to fund a grant awarded pursuant to subdivision (a) to a local public educational agency or community college.