The commission shall, by regulation, provide procedures which the commission shall use in deciding whether to grant reconsideration of any of the following:
Any decision to deny an application for a coastal development permit.
Any term or condition of a coastal development permit which has been granted.
The procedures required by subdivision (a) shall include at least the following provisions:
Only an applicant for a coastal development permit shall be eligible to request reconsideration.
The request for reconsideration shall be made within 30 days of the decision on the application for a coastal development permit.
The basis of the request for reconsideration shall be either that there is relevant new evidence which, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been presented at the hearing on the matter or that an error of fact or law has occurred which has the potential of altering the initial decision.
The commission shall have the discretion to grant or deny requests for reconsideration.
A decision to deny a request for reconsideration is not subject to appeal.
This section shall not alter any right otherwise provided by this division to appeal an action ; provided, that a request for reconsideration shall be made only once for any one development application, and shall, for purposes of any time limits specified in Sections 30621 and 30622, be considered a new application.