Every state agency that owns or manages land or water areas within the coastal zone, including public beaches, parks, natural areas, and fish and wildlife preserves, shall identify the sensitive resource values within those areas that are particularly susceptible to adverse impacts from nearby development that is not carefully planned. Every such agency shall also identify the location and type of development that would have a significant adverse impact on those sensitive resource values.
Every agency subject to this section shall advise the appropriate local government of particular considerations that should be evaluated during the preparation of a local coastal program and which, in the opinion of such agency, may be necessary to protect identified sensitive resource values. In addition, the work undertaken pursuant to this section shall be completed in a timely manner in order to maximize the opportunity for the public, affected local governments, and the commission to consider this information fully during the preparation, review, and approval of the appropriate local coastal program.
Work already completed pursuant to former Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 31300) of Division 21 of the Public Resources Code, added by Chapter 1441 of the Statutes of 1976, and in conformity with this section, that identifies sensitive resource values within publicly owned or managed land and water areas of the coastal zone shall be considered by local government and the commission in the course of carrying out this chapter.
For purposes of this section, “sensitive resource values” means those fragile or unique natural resources which are particularly susceptible to degradation resulting from surrounding development, the adverse effects of which have not been carefully evaluated, mitigated, or avoided. Examples include, but are not limited to, environmentally sensitive areas, as defined in Section 30107.5, areas uniquely suited for scientific or educational purposes, and specific public recreation areas where the quality of the recreational experience is dependent on the character of the surrounding area.