Any local government carrying out its certified local coastal programs may, upon the delegation of the development review authority pursuant to Section 30519, claim reimbursement of costs incurred for the implementation of such local coastal program if costs have not been provided in an implementation grant issued pursuant to Section 30351.
Claims made pursuant to this article shall be submitted to the executive director of the commission not later than September 30 immediately following the fiscal year during which the claimed costs were incurred. The executive director shall review such claims in accordance with the provisions of this article and shall submit all such claims to the Controller within 60 days after receipt of a claim, but in no event later than November 30.
All claims submitted pursuant to this section shall be filed on forms approved and prepared by the commission in consultation with the Controller. Such forms shall specify the information needed to enable the executive director of the commission and the Controller to make the determinations required by Section 30353. The claim forms required by this section shall provide for claims of actual costs incurred during the fiscal year preceding submittal and for the costs the claimant local government estimates will be incurred during the then-current fiscal year.