It is the policy of the state that local governments be paid their legitimate costs, from either state or federal funds, for the implementation of certified local coastal programs; provided, however, that such payment shall only be available for those costs directly attributable to the operation of a certified local coastal program and which costs would not have been incurred but for such local coastal program and which costs are not of a nature which would normally be incurred by such local government in carrying out its land use planning and regulatory responsibilities pursuant to any provision of law other than this division.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, claims for payment of costs directly attributable to the operation and implementation of a certified local coastal program shall only be submitted, reviewed, and approved in the manner set forth in, and pursuant to the provisions of, this article.
The provisions of this article are intended to establish a procedure that ensures the orderly and carefully monitored expenditure of limited public funds for payment of such costs, the incurring of which is hereby recognized as being in the interest of all the people of this state because they carry out state policies for the wise, long-term conservation and use of coastal resources.