CA Pub Res Code Section 30312

The term of office of commission members shall be as follows:


(1)A person appointed by the Governor and qualified for membership because he or she holds a specified office as a locally elected official shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. However, the membership shall cease 60 days after his or her term of office as a locally elected official ceases, or when a person has been appointed to fill that position by the Governor, if that occurs sooner.


A person appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules or by the Speaker of the Assembly and qualified for membership because he or she holds a specified office as a locally elected official shall serve a term of four years. However, the membership shall cease 60 days after his or her term of office as a locally elected official ceases, if that occurs sooner.


(1)A member appointed by the Governor shall serve for two years at the pleasure of the Governor, and may be reappointed for succeeding two-year periods, provided that the member may continue to serve beyond the two-year term until the Governor has acted and the appointee is authorized to sit and serve on the commission.


A member appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules or the Speaker of the Assembly shall serve for four years, and may be reappointed for succeeding four-year periods, provided that the member may continue to serve beyond the four-year term until his or her appointing authority has acted and the appointee is authorized to sit and serve on the commission. If the Senate Committee on Rules or the Speaker of the Assembly has not acted within 60 days after the expiration of a member’s term, the position shall become vacant until a person is appointed to a four-year term, calculated from the expiration date of the preceding term.


If a vacancy occurs prior to the expiration of the term for the vacated seat, the appointing authority shall appoint a member for the remainder of the unexpired term pursuant to this chapter.


On the effective date of the act adding this subdivision, the Senate Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the Assembly shall each appoint two members to serve two-year terms and two members to serve four-year terms. All subsequent terms shall be for four years.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 30312’s source at ca​.gov