CA Pub Res Code Section 3008


“Well” means any oil or gas well or well for the discovery of oil or gas; any well on lands producing or reasonably presumed to contain oil or gas; any well drilled for the purpose of injecting fluids or gas for stimulating oil or gas recovery, repressuring or pressure maintenance of oil or gas reservoirs, or disposing of waste fluids from an oil or gas field; any well used to inject or withdraw gas from an underground storage facility; or any well drilled within or adjacent to an oil or gas pool for the purpose of obtaining water to be used in production stimulation or repressuring operations.


“Prospect well” or “exploratory well” means any well drilled to extend a field or explore a new, potentially productive reservoir.


“Active observation well” means a well being used for the sole purpose of gathering reservoir data, such as pressure or temperature in a reservoir being currently produced or injected by the operator, and the data is gathered at least once every three years.


“Idle well” means any well that has not produced oil or natural gas or has not been used for injection for six consecutive months of continuous operation during the last five or more years. An idle well does not include an active observation well.


“Long-term idle well” means any well that has not produced oil or natural gas or has not been used for injection for six consecutive months of continuous operation during the last 10 or more years. A long-term idle well does not include an active observation well.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 3008’s source at ca​.gov