The department shall develop jointly with the United States Geological Survey a prototype earthquake prediction system along the central San Andreas fault near the City of Parkfield.
The system shall include a dense cluster of seismic and crustal deformation instrumentation capable of monitoring geophysical and geochemical phenomena associated with earthquakes in the region. These data shall be analyzed continuously to determine if precursory anomalies can be identified with sufficient certainty to make a short-term prediction. The department shall not duplicate any of the ongoing efforts of the United States Geological Survey or any public or private college or university in
the development of this system.
In meeting its obligations under this chapter, the department shall develop, in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey, a plan for completion of the Parkfield instrumentation network. The plan shall provide for all of the following:
Augmentation of monitoring instruments with the goal of detecting precursors of the Parkfield characteristic earthquake.
Operation by the department of a remote data review station in Sacramento which will provide state scientists with data from the Parkfield prototype earthquake prediction system and other data, as required, to advise the Office of Emergency Services of the occurrence of precursors and verification of the predicted event.
Advising the United States Geological Survey, the Office of Emergency Services, the Seismic Safety Commission, and the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, regarding the department’s review of Parkfield data.
On January 1, 1987, the department shall issue a progress report to the Governor, the Legislature, and the Seismic Safety Commission. An annual progress report shall be made each year thereafter. The project shall terminate on January 1, 1992, unless extended by statute.