On or before January 1, 1977, and, at a minimum, after the completion of each decennial census, the Office of Planning and Research shall identify portions of the following areas within the state that are urbanized or are subject to urban expansion or other irreversible land uses that would preclude mineral extraction:
Standard metropolitan statistical areas and other areas for which information is readily available.
Other areas as may be requested by the board.
In accordance with a time schedule, and based upon guidelines adopted by the
board, the State Geologist shall classify, on the basis solely of geologic factors, and without regard to existing land use and land ownership, the areas identified by the Office of Planning and Research, any area for which classification has been requested by a petition that has been accepted by the board, or any other areas as may be specified by the board, as one of the following:
An area that contains mineral deposits and is not of regional or statewide significance.
An area that contains mineral deposits and is of regional or statewide significance.
An area that contains mineral deposits, the significance of which requires further evaluation.
The State Geologist shall require the petitioner to pay the reasonable costs of classifying
an area for which classification has been requested by the petitioner.
The State Geologist shall transmit the information to the board for incorporation into the state policy and for transmittal to lead agencies.
The board shall transmit mineral resource information on areas classified by the State Geologist pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b), or on applicable areas designated by the board pursuant to Section 2790, or both, to a lead agency or a metropolitan planning organization within 30 days of receiving a request for the mineral resource information identified within the jurisdiction of the lead agency or the metropolitan planning organization.