The commission shall rely upon forecasting and assessments performed in accordance with Sections 25301 to 25304, inclusive, as the basis for analyzing the success of and developing policy recommendations for public interest energy strategies. Public interest energy strategies include, but are not limited to, achieving energy efficiency and energy conservation; implementing load management; pursuing research, development, demonstration, and commercialization of new technologies; promoting renewable generation technologies; reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions and addressing the impacts of climate change on California; stimulating California’s energy-related business activities to contribute to the state’s economy; and protecting and enhancing the environment. Additional assessments to address public interest energy strategies shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
Identification of emerging trends in energy efficiency in the residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and transportation sectors of the state’s economy, including, but not limited to, evaluation of additional achievable energy efficiency measures and technologies. Identification of policies that would permit fuller realization of the potential for energy efficiency, either through direct programmatic actions or facilitation of the market.
Identification of emerging trends in the renewable energy industry. In addition, the commission shall evaluate progress in ensuring the operation of existing facilities, and the development of new and emerging, in-state renewable resources.
Identification of emerging trends in energy research, development, and demonstration activities that advance science or technology to produce public benefits.
Identification of progress in reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions and addressing the effects of climate change on California.