The following transportation projects are exempt from this division:(1)
U.S. Highway 101 interchange modification, adding southbound auxiliary lane and southbound mixed flow lane, from Interstate 280 to Yerba Buena Road, in Santa Clara County.(2)
Construct north and southbound high-occupancy vehicle lanes on I-805 from I-5 to Carroll Canyon Road, including construction of north-facing direct access ramps in San Diego County.(3)
State Route 99, Los Molinas rehabilitation and traffic calming, from Orange Street to Tehama Vine Road, in Tehama County.(4)
State Route 99, Island Park widening project, adding one mixed flow lane in each direction, from Ashlan Avenue to Grantlund Avenue, in Fresno County.(5)
State Route 99 median widening, adding one mixed flow lane in each direction, from State Route 120 west to 0.4 miles north of Arch Road, in Manteca in San Joaquin County.(6)
State Route 12 pavement rehabilitation and shoulder widening in San Joaquin County on Bouldin Island.(7)
State Route 91 widening, adding one mixed flow lane in each direction, from State Route 55 to Weir Canyon Road in Orange County.(8)
U.S. Highway 101 pavement rehabilitation and shoulder widening in San Luis Obispo County.(b)
An exemption provided pursuant to subdivision (a) shall not apply to a transportation project if, on or after February 1, 2009, a lead agency changes the scope of that project from the manner in which the project is described in subdivision (a).
Section 21080.42, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PRC§ionNum=21080.42.