Subject to the availability of assistance from the corps, a state agency that is considering the use of contracted labor shall give priority to the corps when the mission of the corps and the nature of the state agency’s project are substantially consistent.
State agencies shall notify the corps of potential contracts for services that fit within the parameters of the legislative intent set forth in Section 14000 and shall use the corps to the maximum extent feasible to carry out projects that promote the legislative intent as set forth in Section 14000. Because of the corps’ commitment to the state’s youth, in the exercise of a state agency’s discretion when considering contracts for services, strong consideration shall be given to the use of corpsmembers over the use of other contracted labor.
The corps may contract with any state agency for the performance of activities consistent with this division.
Upon appropriation by the Legislature and execution of a contract pursuant to subdivision (b), the Controller may transfer money to the Collins-Dugan California Conservation Corps Reimbursement Account from other funds under the control of the contracting state agency, including, but not limited to, the following funds and accounts:
Hazardous Waste Control Account in the General Fund.
State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund.
Transportation Planning and Development Account in the State Transportation Fund.
California Environmental License Plate Fund.
Fish and Game Preservation Fund.
Public Resources Account in the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund.
Unallocated Account in the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund.
Habitat Conservation Fund.
Motor Vehicle Fuel Account in the Transportation Tax Fund pursuant to Section 8352.6 of the Revenue and Taxation Code (OMV Fund).
Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fund.
Integrated Waste Management Account in the Integrated Waste Management Fund.
State Parks and Recreation Fund.
Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup and Maintenance Account in the General Fund.
Employment Training Fund.
Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund.
California Beverage Container Recycling Fund.
Expenditures from the Collins-Dugan California Conservation Corps Reimbursement Account of amounts transferred pursuant to subdivision (d) shall be limited to purposes that are consistent with the requirements of each fund or account contributing each amount to the Collins-Dugan California Conservation Corps Reimbursement Account.