CA Penal Code Section 13897

The Legislature finds and declares each of the following:


The citizens of California have expressed great concern for the plight of crime victims.


It is in the best interest, not only of the victims and their families, but also of all the citizens of California to ensure that crime victims receive comprehensive assistance in overcoming the effects of victimization.


While many options and rights exist for the crime victim, including providing financial assistance pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 13959) of Part 4 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, participation in sentencing and parole eligibility hearings of criminal perpetrators, civil litigation against the perpetrator and third parties, assistance from victim-witness programs, and private support and counseling services, research indicates that many crime victims suffer needlessly because they are not aware of these options and rights, or are apprehensive or uncertain about where to go for assistance or how to exercise their rights.


It is thus necessary to provide a resource center, statewide in scope, where victims of crime, their families, and providers of services to victims of crime can receive referral information, assistance, and legal guidance in order to deal effectively with the needs of victims of crime and minimize the continuing victimization process, which often results from a complex justice system. This resource center shall be independent, offer victims assistance in understanding and effectively exercising their legal rights, provide information about their rights and the workings of the criminal justice system, and direct them to appropriate local resources and agencies which can offer further assistance. The resource center shall provide, on a statewide basis, information assistance for all crime victims without charge and shall complement the efforts of various local programs, including victim-witness programs, rape crisis units, domestic violence projects, and child abuse centers.

Source: Section 13897, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 13897’s source at