CA Penal Code Section 13861

There is hereby created in the Office of Emergency Services the Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Program. All funds made available to the Office of Emergency Services for the purposes of this chapter shall be administered and disbursed by the Director of Emergency Services in consultation with the State Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Advisory Committee established pursuant to Section 13863.


The Director of Emergency Services, in consultation with the State Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Advisory Committee, is authorized to allocate and award funds to local law enforcement agencies and public schools jointly working to develop drug abuse prevention and drug trafficking suppression programs in substantial compliance with the policies and criteria set forth in Sections 13862 and 13863.


The allocation and award of funds shall be made upon the joint application by the chief law enforcement officer of the coapplicant law enforcement agency and approved by the law enforcement agency’s legislative body and the superintendent and board of the school district coapplicant. The joint application of the law enforcement agency and the school district shall be submitted for review to the Local Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Advisory Committee established pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 13862. After review, the application shall be submitted to the Office of Emergency Services. Funds disbursed under this chapter may enhance but shall not supplant local funds that would, in the absence of the Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Program, be made available to suppress and prevent drug abuse among schoolage children and to curtail drug trafficking in and around school areas.


The coapplicant local law enforcement agency and the coapplicant school district may enter into interagency agreements between themselves which will allow the management and fiscal tasks created pursuant to this chapter and assigned to both the law enforcement agency and the school district to be performed by only one of them.


Within 90 days of the effective date of this chapter, the Director of Emergency Services, in consultation with the State Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Advisory Committee established pursuant to Section 13863, shall prepare and issue administrative guidelines and procedures for the Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Program consistent with this chapter. In addition to all other formal requirements that may apply to the enactment of these guidelines and procedures, a complete and final draft shall be submitted within 60 days of the effective date of this chapter to the Chairpersons of the Committee on Criminal Law and Public Safety of the Assembly and the Judiciary Committee of the Senate of the California Legislature.

Source: Section 13861, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 13861’s source at