CA Lab Code Section 5277


The arbitrator’s findings and award shall be served on all parties within 30 days of submission of the case for decision.


The arbitrator’s award shall comply with Section 5313 and shall be filed with the appeals board office pursuant to venue rules published by the appeals board.


The findings of fact, award, order, or decision of the arbitrator shall have the same force and effect as an award, order, or decision of a workers’ compensation judge.


Use of an arbitrator for any part of a proceeding or any issue shall not bind the parties to the use of the same arbitrator for any subsequent issues or proceedings.


Unless all parties agree to a longer period of time, the failure of the arbitrator to submit the decision within 30 days shall result in forfeiture of the arbitrator’s fee and shall vacate the submission order and all stipulations.


The presiding workers’ compensation judge may submit supplemental proceedings to arbitration pursuant to this part.

Source: Section 5277, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 5277’s source at