CA Lab Code Section 5273


In disputes between an employee and an employer, the employer shall pay all costs related to the arbitration proceeding, including use of facilities, hearing reporter per diems and transcript costs.


In all other disputes, the costs of the arbitration proceedings, including the arbitrator’s compensation, shall be paid as follows:


By the parties equally in any dispute between an employer and an insurer, or an employer and a lien claimant.


By the parties equally in proceedings subject to Section 5500.5.


By the dependents in accordance with their proportionate share of death benefits, where there is no dispute as to the injury causing death.


Disputes regarding the costs or fees for arbitration shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the appeals board, and shall be determined initially by the presiding judge of the district office.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 5273’s source at