CA Lab Code Section 4906


No charge, claim, or agreement for the legal services or disbursements mentioned in subdivision (a) of Section 4903, or for the expense mentioned in subdivision (b) of Section 4903, is enforceable, valid, or binding in excess of a reasonable amount. The appeals board may determine what constitutes a reasonable amount.


No attorney or agent shall demand or accept any fee from an employee or dependent of an employee for the purpose of representing the employee or dependent of an employee in any proceeding of the division, appeals board, or any appellate procedure related thereto until the amount of the fee has been approved or set by the appeals board.


Any fee agreement shall be submitted to the appeals board for approval within 10 days after the agreement is made.


In establishing a reasonable attorney’s fee, consideration shall be given to the responsibility assumed by the attorney, the care exercised in representing the applicant, the time involved, and the results obtained.


At the initial consultation, an attorney shall furnish the employee a written disclosure form promulgated by the administrative director which shall clearly and prominently describe the procedures available to the injured employee or his or her dependents. The disclosure form shall describe this section, the range of attorney’s fees customarily approved by the appeals board, and the attorney’s fees provisions of Section 4064 and the extent to which an employee may receive compensation without incurring attorney’s fees. The disclosure form shall include the telephone number of the administrative director together with the statement that the employee may receive answers at that number to questions concerning entitlement to compensation or the procedures to follow to receive compensation. A copy of the disclosure form shall be signed by the employee and the attorney and sent to the employer, or insurer or third-party administrator, if either is known, by the attorney within 15 days of the employee’s and attorney’s execution thereof.


The disclosure form set forth in subdivision (e) shall contain, prominently stated, the following statement: “Any person who makes or causes to be made any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement or representation for the purpose of obtaining or denying worker’s compensation benefits or payments is guilty of a felony.”


The employee, the insurer, the employer, and the attorneys for each party shall sign and file with the board a statement, with the application or answer, under penalty of perjury that they have not violated Section 139.3 and that they have not offered, delivered, received, or accepted any rebate, refund, commission, preference, patronage dividend, discount, or other consideration, whether in the form of money or otherwise, as compensation or inducement for any referred examination or evaluation.

Source: Section 4906, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 4906’s source at