CA Ins Code Section 11885


The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to act as agent for the state and, in that capacity, to sell a portion of, or otherwise obtain value for, the State Compensation Insurance Fund’s assets and liabilities. That authorized sale or other disposition shall be transacted with an entity that the director, in consultation with the State Treasurer, determines will provide the best combination of each of the following:


The highest price for the State Compensation Insurance Fund’s workers’ compensation insurance assets and liabilities or the best value to the General Fund, or both.


The greatest security for the payment of the purchase price.


Demonstrated competence and professional qualifications for the continued satisfactory performance of the workers’ compensation insurance services offered for sale or other disposition.


Prior to releasing any Notice of Request for Qualifications, a majority of the State Compensation Insurance Fund Board of Directors shall concur that the assets and liabilities that are identified by the Director of Finance, in consultation with the State Treasurer, in subdivision (a) are appropriate for sale or other disposition.


Notwithstanding any other law, the process for sale or other disposition shall include the steps the director, in consultation with the State Treasurer, deems necessary or convenient to achieve the ends set forth in this section. The process shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, all of the following:


The satisfaction of criteria established by the director, in consultation with the State Treasurer, consistent with achieving the best price or other value for those workers’ compensation insurance assets and liabilities. These criteria shall include any pertinent requirements of the State Compensation Insurance Fund Board of Directors.


A Notice of Request for Qualifications sent by the Director of Finance to each firm currently providing workers’ compensation insurance coverage to California employers and any entity proposed by the State Compensation Insurance Fund Board of Directors. In addition, it shall be advertised in the State Contracts Register pursuant to Sections 14827.1 and 14827.2 of the Government Code. This notice shall include a description of the workers’ compensation insurance program, a summary description of the workers’ compensation insurance assets and liabilities offered for sale or other disposition, and a description of the due diligence review process to provide potential purchasers with further information regarding the workers’ compensation insurance assets and liabilities offered for sale or other disposition, the selection criteria on which the transaction will be based, the submission requirements and deadlines, and a Department of Finance contact name and telephone number for more information. A copy of the Notice of Request for Qualifications shall be provided to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee within seven days of its release.


The evaluation by the director, in consultation with the State Treasurer, of all statements timely submitted in response to the Notice of Request for Qualifications sent pursuant to paragraph (2), using the criteria contained in the notice, and, based on those statements, the establishment of a qualified participant list.


For purposes of Section 11772, any action by the board of directors related to any transaction contemplated by this article, including, but not limited to, any approvals of such transactions, shall be deemed to be in good faith.


The Director of Finance shall notify the Joint Legislative Budget Committee in writing within seven days of completing a sale pursuant to subdivision (a).

Source: Section 11885, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 11885’s source at